Friday, January 17, 2014

Journal 32 More Hobby

Hello All,

More stuff from the last few weeks. Enjoy.

Nid concepts

Side view

Classic Orc Shaman

Mantic Ghouls (With GW Blood effects)

LOTR (Army Painter Dip test)
Well it's late so off to bed...
Till next time


  1. Nice work on the nids

    What do you think of the new GW effects line?

    Is there a bigger pic of the LOTR dippers?

  2. All this in the last few weeks? Teach me to paint as fast as you... and as well. I can do one, or the other Kind of). :(

    How did the Mantic stuff go? The 'Restic'?

    Army Painter Dip? Uh-oh. Cheater ;)
