Monday, July 29, 2013

Journal #18

"Let's Go to the Tavern"

At the Darkness?
Hello All,

Just a quick post with a bunch of pictures of the wooden Tavern the wife and I assembled over the weekend. This was a pretty neat project but a LOT of work. in all it took over 12 hours to build. It is a project from Tectonic Craft Studios

Here we go.

Getting started

the Dry fit

Some interior details



Interior detail 1

Interior detail 2

Cool Window
Overall the kit is cool. It does have some short comings in the design but this is easily out distanced by it's sheer awesomeness! Be prepared to spend many hours on this model and also be ready to "think on your feet" while building it.

This one is for the Nova Open but I am hoping to get one for myself pretty soon.

Till next time.


Sunday, July 14, 2013

Journal #17

Apocalypse Formations- Space Wolves

Hello All,

I just got the new Apoc book and I am really enjoying it. The book itself is gorgeous and sized like regular books and not the over sized volumes of the last edition (good job GW.) The subtle changes in apoc formations allows me to field some for once...(In the last edition I always needed to buy more stuff if I wanted to use them and since these games are rare to begin with not really worth it.)

This morning I discovered that I really can field a Space wolf (SW) great company!

Points wise The SW company blows the regular chapter company away as there are no size restrictions for the SW units other than minimum number of units. This allows Grey hunter packs to be fielded in units of 5+ rather than 10 man squads. 

Here is the bare bones break down- No Upgrades

Space Wolves Roster - Basic SW Great Company

Total Roster Cost: 1484

HQ: Wolf Guard Battle Leader in Power Armour (4#, 370 pts)
   1 Wolf Lord in Power Armour, 100 pts
   1 Wolf Priest in Power Armour, 100 pts
   1 Rune Priest in Power Armour, 100 pts
   1 Wolf Guard Battle Leader in Power Armour, 70 pts

Elite: Wolf Guard Pack (3#, 54 pts)
   1 Wolf Guard Pack, 0 pts
      1 Wolf Guard in Power Armour, 18 pts
      1 Wolf Guard in Power Armour, 18 pts
      1 Wolf Guard in Power Armour, 18 pts

Troops: Grey Hunters Pack (25#, 375 pts)
   5 Grey Hunters Pack, 75 pts = 5 * 15
   5 Grey Hunters Pack, 75 pts = 5 * 15
   5 Grey Hunters Pack, 75 pts = 5 * 15
   5 Grey Hunters Pack, 75 pts = 5 * 15
   5 Grey Hunters Pack, 75 pts = 5 * 15

Troops: Blood Claws Pack (15#, 225 pts)
   5 Blood Claws Pack, 75 pts = 5 * 15
   5 Blood Claws Pack, 75 pts = 5 * 15
   5 Blood Claws Pack, 75 pts = 5 * 15

Heavy Support: Long Fangs Pack (4#, 70 pts)
   1 Long Fangs Pack, 20 pts = (base cost 15) + Heavy Bolter x1 5
      1 Squad Leader, 15 pts
   1 Long Fangs Pack, 20 pts = (base cost 15) + Heavy Bolter x1 5
      1 Squad Leader, 15 pts

Elite: Wolf Scouts Pack (5#, 75 pts)
   5 Wolf Scouts Pack, 75 pts = 5 * 15

Elite: Dreadnought (3#, 315 pts)
   1 Dreadnought, 105 pts
   1 Dreadnought, 105 pts
   1 Dreadnought, 105 pts

Created with Army Builder® - Try it for free at

Of course Mine will be a bit more beefy. :)

I will post it as soon as Build it up.



Friday, July 12, 2013

Journal #16

Titan Update

Hello all,

Just a quick update on the current titan project. It is really starting to come along. and despite some commentary on a Christmas theme I am continuing to go with the Green and Red as it will go well with at least 3 of my armies. Well anyway here you go...

Starting to take shape

The Daddy Hand

I think this is my favorite so far


look at all the guns!

What it looks like together



I have also been continuing my work on the Space Wolves.

The fell hand

Big Dogs!

Well that's it for now...



Saturday, July 6, 2013

Journal #15

Titan update

Just a quick update to show my progress on the Reaver Titan. It is really starting to come along.


Starting to come together.

A close up of the face

The back design

I think it will look great when complete.
Colors so far

Over a black (or Grey) primer

  • Base Vallejo game color heavy black green
  • Highlight Minitaire fresh Grass
  • Base Minitaire Angelic Blood
  • Highlight mix
    • P3 Khador Red Base
    • Spectra Classic red
  • Base Vallejo game color Tinny Tin
  • Highlight DecoArt Emperor's Gold
Grey (hose on the head)
  • Base P3 Cryx Bane Base



Thursday, July 4, 2013

Journal #14

Work under way

Hello All,

Sorry for the delay in entries. I seem to be getting past my hobby block as I have finally decided on a course of action that will (hopefully) keep me sane. I am back on the Space Wolves as I discovered that I had only 15 figures left to paint then the entire army is painted. This will be a milestone as this is the oldest 40K army I have.

Some of these guys are OLD!
I started this army in 1999. most of the core are old RT metals  and a ton of 2nd ed Plastics. many were a gift from a frind who wanted to ditch the old figures for the then new 3rd ed Space Marines plastics. I took them and started the painting them silver then dipped and repainted them as Space Wolves after a visit to my then local FLGS where I learned about the awesomeness that is the Sons of Russ! I have been slowly adding  (and taking away)  from this army for 14 years. With the completion of 8 Thunder Wolves and 6 Bikers (And Ulrik when the order gets here) the Space wolves will be complete. 

Can you tell which ones need painting?

3 Wolves under way
Once done I plan to do an entry where I configure the army for Apoc level play.

In other news- 

Work on the Infinity table continues. Check out these work in progress pics.

The Red Zone

lots of stuff to hide behind

I like the way the barriers came out
I have also been working on my old school Reaver Titan that I git back in 2010. I love me an Air Brush.

Drying in the sun

Start at the bottom and working my way up

Golden toes


Top down

Well that's all I have time for now. 

Till next time