Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Warning... Attack Wing Post! (Date Changed!)

NOW May 17th noon to five PM

Hello All,

I will be running the next OP for Star Trek Attack wing next Sunday. The event is focused on one of my favorite episodes from The Next Gen series: Peak Performance. 

"With the Borg threat in mind, Starfleet stages a war-game simulation pitting Captain Picard and theEnterprise against Commander Riker and the eighty-year-old starship Hathaway. However, when the Ferengi suddenly attack, the Enterprise is crippled forcing Picard into a seemingly no-win situation." Read the full synopsis HERE

The Event will be held at my normal stomping grounds Comics and Gaming Fairfax. 

Comics & Gaming Fairfax
10385 Main Street
Fairfax, VA 22030
Telephone:      703.865.8110
E-mail: cgoffx@gmail.com

Here is the event info from Wizkids:

Peak Performance

In order to bring its forces to their peak performance level now that the Borg are an imminent threat, Starfleet has issued orders for all of the ships in its fleet to run battle simulations, creating scenarios in which newer, superior ships are battling older, weaker ones. In these simulations, all weapon systems are to be rendered harmless to prevent any actual damage from occurring. The Federation has enlisted the aid of the Zakdorn, a race known for their battle strategy, to help them in this endeavor. 
Sirna Kolrami 
The Zakdorn Master Strategist Sirna Kolrami will run the simulations and assess the performance level of all the “combatants.”

Specific Rules for this event:
1. 120 Points per fleet (From the Instruction packet)
2. Minimum 3 Ships per fleet 
4. The suggested 50 Point cap for ships waved for this OP
3. Resources are allowed (Except the one for this OP) following the Normal rules
4. Other than that use the construction rules from page 21 of the Rule Book
5. Admirals Orders are not allowed for this OP
6. Special rules from “Peak performance” (Primarily how destroyed ships are handled) -  http://wizkids.com/attackwing/star-trek-attack-wing-peak-performance-episode-organized-play-kit/

For Example:


In this event, players’ ships combat each other in a battle simulation. In this simulation, ships do not actually get destroyed. During the battle, all damage is recorded normally. If a ship would be destroyed do the following instead:
  • Remove the ship from the play area and place it on top of its Ship Card.
  • Remove all Damage Cards assigned to the ship and shuffle them into the damage deck.
  • Remove all Disabled Upgrade Tokens from all of the ship’s disabled cards.
  • Remove any Upgrade Cards discarded by the ship from the game.
  • Remove any cards that did not start the game on the ship from the game.
  • Place a Critical Hit Token on the ship’s Ship Card (see RETURNING SHIPS below).


A ship that would be destroyed under normal circumstances will return to the simulation and continue battling. To do so, during the following Planning Phase, the ship’s owner sets the ship up in his starting area, but not within Range 1 of any other ship, and continues play as normal.
When the ship returns to battle it comes into play with its Shields restored to its starting value -1 for each Critical Hit Token on its Ship Card.

NOTE: Any Upgrades that were stolen or assimilated from the ship do not return to that ship when it returns to battle.

The Links below have the rest of the story

======================= Links ==================

Rules: Here 
FAQ: Here
Tournament Instructions: Here
Tournament Overview: Here

That's it for now.


Sunday, April 19, 2015

Recent stuff.

This is what I saw when I came out of a restaurant recently.
of course I had only minutes to get back to work...  

Hello All,

Another week another update. This last week was quite productive as far as geek and hobby stuff...

National Tabletop Day 2015

Last Saturday I had a chance to run a demo of Start Trek Attack wing at Comics and Games Fairfax
It went pretty well. I showed the game to several folks and managed to get two guys to play a game using the USS Enterprise D and the Klingon Mat'ha Battle Cruiser. It was a vicious battle and in the end the Klingons were victorious!

The moment the tide turned.
While I was there I picked up these nice game mats for an upcoming D&D game.


I started working on a conversion for the Skaven army

The Brood Horror

A little chop work on the warlord

Close up

The Gun is from the Empire Engineer

I used Apoxie sculpt to make braces for the stolen Elf
stone that powers the Horror as it is corrupted
I also managed to get some work done on my LOTR "Army of the Dead

Finished pictures to come
Speaking of things Tolkien...
It looks like the DC Hobbit league will be in attendance at the NOVA Open this year.

Click for link
 Other things include assembling figures like a mad man and a really successful NOVA Open build session. NEW Road to NOVA coming soon.

Well that is it for now.


Sunday, April 5, 2015

Hobby Update 4/5/15

Hello All,

Just getting out a quick Hobby update.

I must be getting old because I seem to be painting slower than I used to. :)
Of course I am working on NOVA Open projects, Star Trek Attack Wing projects, as well as My own.


Next Build Session April 18th


Attack Wing

April 11th is National Tabletop Day and Game stores all over the place will be running demos of board and War games. I will be running a demo of Attack Wing from 4-5 PM at Comics and Games Fairfax  Swing by if you are interested in seeing what this is all about.


Goblin Town

I have recently started working on my own modular goblin town game board for The Hobbit SBG. It has been a bit of a trial as I do not actually have a working idea of what I want it to finally look like.
(The whole modular part.) Anyway here is where it is at right now.

A plastic box


Dead Zone

I am really liking this game. Recently I finished a cool Dead Zone board. Read about that here: 

I have also been building terrain for the game and finished 3 pieces. I decided to set them up on part of the game board.

The tower took a lot of resources but it looks so cool.



Lastly I finished 3 figures this morning and I wanted to show them off.

Ungrim Ironfist

Heinrich Kemmler

Lizzardman warrior

Well That's all I have time for tight now. 

Till next time....