Hello All,
Sorry for the delay in posts... I have been playing a
lot of Games of Age of Sigmar recently. With the holidays just around the corner (not to mention my job being crazy) I have not had a lot of urge to post anything.
Well today I finally had a Saturday to myself (mostly) and decided to talk about the various AOS games I have been playing since my last post. I also want to talk about some of the really great people I have met in the last few weeks.
I am currently playing in a league that runs till the end of December. I have decided to go the Chaos route focusing on
Nurgle (The lord of Plagues)
September Games-
September 20th Game 1
Unfortunately I did not get any pictures of the first game. I took my newly formed Nurgle/Slannish army up against a Seraphon (Lizard men) army and bounced off of my opponent's line. I managed to get tabled by turn five.
For his part my opponent (Israel) was a gracious winner and did not rub it in at all. :)
September 27th Game 2
In game 2 I squared off against Israel once again, but this time I dropped the Slannish section in favor of a Pure Nurgle force. We played the mission "Gifts from Heaven" from the General's Handbook.
I manager to pull off an upset and garnered a Major Victory!
Lining up for Battle |
Round 2- The "Gifts" drop and Israel moved towards it |
The one on my side dropped near a unit of Plague Bearers and they jumped on it as soon as possible. |
The Beasts of Nurgle rush forward and destroy the Seraphon Cavalry. |
The Nurglings advance on the Seraphon Temple guard |
"Big Papa" The Great Unclean one charges the enemy |
This is how you contest an objective |
Big Papa on the warpath |
All the Nurglings are dead |
Big Papa is slain |
The Beasts of Nurgle kill the Slann Lord and advance on the Serphaon heroes. |
Preparing to defend the "Gift" |
Holding off the enemy |
My worst roll of the night! |
Thank you Stephen for running the event and that you Israel for two great games!
Next time- October's Games