Hello All,
RGH here with the hobby update I have been promising for some time.
What have I been up to since the NOVA? Quite a lot really. So without further BS from me lets get started...
Chaos Marauders- I pulled these guys out at random just because I wanted to paint some Chaos one day. The one in the robes is from Mordheim.

Zombies- These guys are from "Wargames Factory" MODERN ZOMBIES!!! I really like not having to use Fantasy Zombies for everything. I like the Guy in the suit and tie and the doctors in their scrubs. You get 24 Zombies for 15.99 at the War Store. I am thinking of using them as Summoned Demons for my Chaos Marines.

Siege Equipment- This is the old 5th edition Siege defense set for Fantasy. All Metal all the time... I decided to assemble and paint them because I am trying to consolidate or reduce my unfinished model collection. I think they look good for their age. :)

Grey Knights- My Grey Knight Army is coming along. As you can see I am focusing on Inquisitor squads at this time. The theme colors are red and purple. My goal is to make them look like gangs of adventurers from dark Heresy. I also did a miner conversion on the Black Templar Emperor's Champion converting him to a GK Brother Champion. What do you think?

Room Reorganization- I decided to reorganize my workspace to make it more efficient. So far so good. one of the innovations I decided on was to add incentive and motivation to my storage option. Notice how uncompleted models are stored with their respective army. This motivates me to get them out and work on them rather than have them forgotten in some closet.

Ralthozian Commission- I have finally finished the Fleet commission for Warboss. These are for use with Firestorm Armada and Full thrust. 18 ships in total.
Brood Class Battleship and Hive class Carrier

Swarm Class Cruiser and Drone Class Frigates

Stinger Class Escorts

Terran Alliance Cruisers and The Entire fleet in close quater drills

Lord of the Ring deal of the year- at the end of September I happened upon a website called (Hull's Angles) it is run by a man named Ross. He is selling bunches of his GW stuff to help with a brick and mortar store in England. I saw that amongst the 40K and Fantasy deals (most of which were stuff I already had) I noticed a box of LOTR figures with a cost of 50 pounds. No list was given for this but the box was full to the top and I noticed that some of the miniatures were good ones. I enquired about the box and was told that he could not remember what all was in it but it was a full "White Hand" army. I decided to bite and agreed to get it. (I almost didn't when I saw that the shipping cost was almost as high as the asking price.) But what the hell my curiosity was peeked and I went ahead and bought it. Much to my relief I did the right thing. The box weighed 7.5 pounds (thus the high shipping) and had over 380 miniatures in it. A lot of them needed a little love and attention after traveling so far but a few days later they were ready to go. The full list of items is listed below. In total it cost me around 150 US dollars but the cost to buy all this stuff retails for over 1400 US dollars.

Here is the Breakdown Prices are in ()- (Above) means the item is sold in a set with the figure listed above it
Pay no attention to the number of duplicates as this list is for reporting Purposes only!
Created with Army Builder---
Unlimited Pts - Forces of Darkness (Full List) Roster - What I got for 150 Dollars
Total Roster Cost: 7554
Hero (2#, 625 pts)
1 The Necromancer, 250 pts (30.00)
1 Sauron, 375 pts (41.25)
Hero (15#, 875 pts)
1 Nazgul, 65 pts = (base cost 55 + Horse 10) (27.25)
1 Nazgul, 65 pts = (base cost 55 + Horse 10) (27.25)
1 Nazgul, 65 pts = (base cost 55 + Horse 10) (27.25) *Cost + shipping paid in full at this point
1 Nazgul, 65 pts = (base cost 55 + Horse 10) (27.25)
1 Nazgul, 65 pts = (base cost 55 + Horse 10) (27.25)
1 Nazgul, 55 pts (6.66)
1 Nazgul, 55 pts (6.66)
1 Nazgul, 55 pts (6.66)
1 Nazgul, 55 pts (6.66)
1 Nazgul, 55 pts (6.66)
1 Nazgul, 55 pts (6.66)
1 Nazgul, 55 pts (6.66)
1 Nazgul, 55 pts (6.66)
1 Nazgul, 55 pts (6.66)
1 Nazgul, 55 pts (12.25)
Hero (6#, 490 pts)
1 Witch King, 105 pts = (base cost 70 + The Crown of Morgul 30 + Two-Handed Weapon 5) (12.25)
1 Witch King, 105 pts = (base cost 70 + The Crown of Morgul 30 + Two-Handed Weapon 5) (12.25)
1 Witch King, 70 pts (12.25)
1 Witch King, 70 pts (12.25)
1 Witch King, 70 pts (12.25)
1 Witch King, 70 pts (12.25)
Hero (2#, 250 pts)
1 Khamul the Easterling, 130 pts = (base cost 120 + Horse 10) (27.25)
1 Khamul the Easterling, 120 pts (Above)
Hero (2#, 250 pts)
1 Dark Marshal, 130 pts = (base cost 120 + Horse 10) (27.25)
1 Dark Marshal, 120 pts (Above)
Hero (3#, 365 pts)
1 Saruman, 170 pts (12.25)
1 Saruman, 170 pts (12.25)
1 Grima Wormtongue, 25 pts (12.25)
Hero (8#, 520 pts)
1 Lurtz, 60 pts (12.00)
1 Lurtz, 60 pts (12.00)
1 Lurtz, 60 pts (12.00)
1 Gothmog, 135 pts (12.25)
1 Shagrat, 55 pts (20.00)
1 Gorbag, 45 pts (Above)
Created with Army Builder® - Copyright (c) 1997-2011 Lone Wolf Development, Inc. All rights reserved. Download it for FREE at http://www.wolflair. com!
1 Grishnakh, 45 pts (12.00)
1 Ugluk, 60 pts (10.00)
Minor Hero (3#, 155 pts)
1 Orc Captain, 40 pts (7.50)
1 Uruk-hai Captain, 60 pts = (base cost 50 + Shield 5 + Heavy Armour 5) (7.50)
1 Uruk-hai Captain, 55 pts = (base cost 50 + Heavy Armour 5) (7.50)
Minor Hero (9#, 450 pts)
1 Barrow-Wight, 50 pts (7.50)
1 Barrow-Wight, 50 pts (7.50)
1 Barrow-Wight, 50 pts (7.50)
1 Barrow-Wight, 50 pts (7.50)
1 Barrow-Wight, 50 pts (7.50)
1 Barrow-Wight, 50 pts (7.50)
1 Barrow-Wight, 50 pts (7.50)
1 Barrow-Wight, 50 pts (7.50)
1 Barrow-Wight, 50 pts (7.50)
Minor Hero (13#, 429 pts)
1 Castellan of Dol Guldur, 65 pts (7.50)
1 Castellan of Dol Guldur, 65 pts (7.50)
6 Black Númenórean Warrior, 54 pts = 6 * 9 (30.00)
2 Shade, 200 pts = 2 * 100 (30.00)
3 Spectre, 45 pts = 3 * 15 (15.00)
Uruk-hai Horde (177#, 1765 pts)
4 Mordor Uruk-hai , 32 pts = 4 * 8 (20.00)
2 Mordor Uruk-hai , 18 pts = 2 * 9 (base cost 8 + Two-Handed Weapon 1) (10.00)
15 Berserker Uruk-hai , 225 pts = 15 * 15 (86.25)
32 Uruk-hai Warrior, 288 pts = 32 * 9 (54.40)
1 Uruk-hai Warrior, 39 pts = (base cost 9 + Banner 30) (7.50)
23 Uruk-hai Scout, 184 pts = 23 * 8 (31.74)
29 Uruk-hai Scout, 261 pts = 29 * 9 (base cost 8 + Orc Bow 1) (40.02)
29 Uruk-hai Warrior, 290 pts = 29 * 10 (base cost 9 + Pike 1) (47.85)
8 Uruk-hai Warrior, 88 pts = 8 * 11 (base cost 9 + Crossbow 2) (46.00)
34 Uruk-hai Warrior, 340 pts = 34 * 10 (base cost 9 + Shield 1) (56.10)
Artillery (18#, 485 pts)
1 Mordor Siege Bow, 40 pts (22.00)
2 Ork Crew, 10 pts = 2 * 5 (Above)
1 Mordor Siege Bow, 40 pts = (base cost 50) + Orc Siege Crew 65 (22.00)
1 Ork Crew, 10 pts = (base cost 5) + Orc Engineer Captain 70 (Above)
1 Orc Engine Captain, 65 pts (Above)
1 Uruk-hai Demolition Team, 80 pts (6.80)
1 Uruk-hai Demolition Team, 80 pts (6.80)
1 Uruk-hai Demolition Team, 80 pts (6.80)
1 Uruk-hai Demolition Team, 80 pts (6.80)
Warg Rider (15#, 195 pts)
5 Warg Rider, 70 pts = 5 * 14 (base cost 12 + Throwing Weapons 2) (21.25)
5 Warg Rider, 60 pts = 5 * 12 (29.25)
5 Warg Rider, 65 pts = 5 * 13 (base cost 12 + Orc Bow 1) (21.25)
Created with Army Builder® - Copyright (c) 1997-2011 Lone Wolf Development, Inc. All rights reserved. Download it for FREE at http://www.wolflair. com!
Orc Horde (108#, 700 pts)
2 Morannon Orc, 16 pts = 2 * 8 (base cost 7 + Shield 1) (2.76)
2 Orc Warrior, 60 pts = 2 * 30 (base cost 5 + Banner 25) (15.00)
18 Orc Warrior, 108 pts = 18 * 6 (base cost 5 + Two-Handed Weapon 1) (24.84)
20 Orc Warrior, 120 pts = 20 * 6 (base cost 5 + Orc Bow 1) (27.60)
30 Orc Warrior, 180 pts = 30 * 6 (base cost 5 + Spear 1) (41.40)
36 Orc Warrior, 216 pts = 36 * 6 (base cost 5 + Shield 1) (49.68)
Validation Report:
Regular: Tournament
Composition Report:
Heroes: 38 (0 - 0)
Minor Heroes: 16 (0 - 0)
Warriors: 31 (0 - 0)
War Machines: 6 (0 - 0)
(Page 1 Total: 544.75)|
(Page 2 Total: 765.41)
(Page 3 Total:118.68)
Total Retail cost: $1428.84
LOTR Troll- Speaking of Lord of the Rings. I also painted up a Mordor Troll as I was so inspired by the great deal above.

Actually getting some games in- WOW who would have thought I could actually use these miniatures in a game or two... What’s that about?
Wood Elf Eternal Guard- Recently I repainted my wife's eternal guard unit to make them fit in better with the rest of the army. This unit helps represent winter in her "Army of all seasons."

Well that’s all for now. I hope you enjoy and as always I look forward to hearing from you.