Hello All,
It's been a while since I last gave a hobby Update so here it goes-When 6th ed 40K came out I decided to really push to complete a 40K army.Though I have lots of stuff painted and I can field armies with all painted troops, I do not have an army for 40K that I consider truly complete. After a lengthy discussion with my wife we came to the consensus that the Space wolves would be the army to finish. Here are our reasons
1. It is my oldest army- I started collecting it back in 2000 so it is a 12+ year old army
2. It is mostly done already- I had less than 40 models to paint when I started the final push
3. I think they are good choice for 6th ed.- They have tons of choices and allow me to play several types of armies not just one or two
4. it is a cross section of my painting ability over the last 12 years. You can really see how my style has changed over the years (Mostly for the better)
Well here is a shot of the most recent stuff I have worked on.
Rockfist!!! |
Wolf Guard (From Space Hulk) |
Wolf Guard (From Space Hulk) |
Wolf Guard (From Space Hulk) |
Wolf Guard (From Space Hulk) |
Wolf Guard (From Space Hulk) |
Wolf Guard (From Space Hulk) |
Work in Progress |
Old School! |
In other news-
Dystopian Wars
I have started painting up the French fleet take a look at these squads of Lyon Class ships.
Ocean Camo? |
NOVA Open- This event was Fantastic!I hope you made it there.Here are some pictures from the Monument project... Enjoy
Korean War Memorial |
All Lit up |
More Lights |
On display |
The Washington Monument roughly 1/2 scale at 5' |
I hope enjoyed the pictures and till next time