The Fleet sets sail |
Hello All,
2 weeks ago I got a chance to play
Dystopian Wars (DW) for the first time. It was an instant hit! I played the
Federated States of America and my
opponent played the
Prussians. We used small forces (around 700 points each) and had a hell of a game. Foe the board I pulled out my Dread Fleet Sarong...er mat.
I think I was winning when we ended around Midnight but it could have gone differently if we had finished it out. This game is fantastic and I cannot say enough good things about it. In fact I was so impressed that I ordered my own Fleet! After reading the fluff from the rule book and looking around on-line I decided to go with the
Republique of France. Mostly because I REALLY like their Skimmer Battleships and Cruisers!
My Fleet arrived from the
Warstore earlier in the week and all other modeling projects stopped while I assembled the French Fleet. Below are some pictures I took of the assembled ships. As the DW ships come in white resin the details don't show well with my camera; so several of the pictures have been "touched up" (HDR- High Dynamic Range) to allow the detail to show through.
Thank you Picasa!
MKI Magenta Class Pocket Battleship |
MKII Magenta Class Pocket Battleship with Heat Lance |
MKII Magenta Class Pocket Battle Ship With Main Guns |
Marseille Class Cruisers |
Lyon Class Frigate |
Lyon Frigate Squadrons |
Voltaire Class Heavy Interceptors |
Tiny Flyer bases |
As for my Dread Fleet game? ... While it was out I went ahead and assembled the models and even painted a few while I was waiting for the French to arrive. Here are some pictures of what's been done.
Dread Fleet |
High Elf Warship with Dragons |
Ghost Ship |
Leviathan |
Dwarf airship |
Just for Kicks I took this picture of a Pocket Battle Ship and the High Elf War Ship for a size comparison
I wounder if the Games can be combined? |
Till next time