Hello All!
Sorry for such a long delay. Real life has a nasty habit of Kicking you when your down and my life is no exception. 2011 is gearing up to be a challenge in both gaming, Hobby and that other stuff that I do between them.
All is not hardship though...
I have managed to paint over 100 miniatures since January 1st. Most of these are of the Micro scale and Starship scale variety. I did get a Rhino painted for my SM army but I don't have a pic for it yet.
Last Saturday I got a Chance to play a large Warhammer Fantasy game (3K points a side) Ogre Kingdoms & Empire (1500 each) vs. Skaven: We played at the secret hideout of the "Warboss"
The game only went a few turns with the OK and Empire on top. It really could have gone ether way if the game had continued.
None of that really mattered... The best part of the day was the hanging around with the gang and getting a chance to see the new hideout. It didn't hurt that I also got to eat one of the BEST lasagna dinners I have ever had!
The Battlefield from the game
THANK YOU Mama Warboss!------------------------------------------------------
Well that is enough of that...
Here is what I am sure everyone is waiting for------------The Pictures!
Lets start with the StarshipsHere are 2 of the ships I recently did for my Full Thrust (Good Guy) Fleet
Left: Galactics Battleship by Studio Bergstrom Right: converted (With Tau Bits) Republic Cruiser by AMT/ERTL
Here are some of the Bad Guy Ships
Andrayada: Varkator by Dark Realm Miniatures
3 Wasp class Frigates and a Sword of Retribution Battleship by Studio Bergstrom
Now on to the War Machines (Not the Game ;p)
Battle Mechs
Growing up Battletech was one of my favorite games and one of my earliest forays into miniature war gaming. Over the years I have collected a good amount of Battle Mech miniatures. I have not actually played the game in over a decade but it still hols a place in my gaming heart. When I discovered that i could us my mech collection in other games like Dirtside 2 and Ogre miniatures I got so excited that I stripped and repainted the entire collection. so here they are...
Battle Master, Griffin, Marauder, Hunchback
Stinger, Blackjack, Phoenix Hawk, Locust
Atlas, Archer, Atlas, Bombardier (Completed in 2010)
Locust, Locust, Valkyrie, Valkyrie (Completed in 2010)
Hunchback, Panther, Warhammer, Catapult
(The 79th AU) Hatamoto-Chi, Griffin, Crusader, Zeus
Catapult, Crusader, Panther, Rifleman
Vector (Mekton RPG)Star fighters and Aerospace fightersHere is a collection of ships I intend to use in Dirtside 2 as attack fighters and in Full thrust and fighter groups...
Ships from Traveler and B5 Wars. (I have no idea what the one on the far left is from) VTOL
For use with Dirtside 2 as transports and attack craft
Dark Realm Miniatures - Humans: Lance TANKS TANKS TANKS
I am a tread head at heart so her are my tanks on parade
Dark Realm Miniatures - Humans: Rampart I hope you have enjoyed the latest projects from my workshop.
As always let me know what you think.