Hello all,
It has been a while since an update and a bit has happened. First off I am now the "Minister of terrain" for the NOVA 2012.
Not sure what the NOVA is? Look here and here!!!
What this means is that I am responsible for making sure the terrain at the NOVA is good to go for all systems running at the NOVA.
This means a LOT of work.
The NOVA staff and I (Along with an army of volunteers) will be having terrain building sessions starting in January.
This mission will have 2 parts-
1. Pimp my terrain: Taking existing terrain and putting a shine on it
2. New stuff: building new terrain for 40K, Fantasy, Warmachine/Hordes, Infinity, and Flames of War.
Here are some pictures of the example pieces I acquired. These are from the NOVA 2011.

Well That's it for now...
Till next time